It's the decades of experience within the Forte family that guarantees
you get the perfect solution for your needs.
Meet Mr Peter!
"My name is Peter Simpson and I've been teaching piano in Marden for the last 10 years.
I suspect that your image of piano lessons is that of the teacher sat next to the pupil in front of an old upright piano, teaching music note-by-note until the studious pupil is able to pass an exam, so that he or she can continue on to the next exam.
Well there's nothing wrong with that picture - it was the way I was taught!
So were hundreds of other children - and nearly all of them no longer play the piano, or any other instrument, as adults. Almost all of them regret not continuing, but tell stories of the monotony of endless scales and the absence of fun and enjoyment that the traditional teaching methods espoused.
Fear not! There are other ways of teaching - and you'll notice the difference straight away! Just bear with me while I explain:
Apart from the very early years, my route to teaching music has been far from traditional - from listening to old rock and roll records and teaching myself to play the chords and riffs, to endless hours spent experimenting with all sorts of improvisations, I realised the sheer joy of just playing music without the confines of written music.
Having then spent a number of years being taught again to gain the relevant qualifications, I enrolled on the wonderful 'Piano Teachers Course' in Bushey, Herts.
Expecting hours of lectures on the benefits of the exam system and such like, I was overjoyed to hear that the course positively encouraged a totally different style of teaching - a style that included movement, singing, percussion, improvisation and all sorts of innovations that coincided with my idea of how to teach the piano!
With renewed enthusiasm I launched into my new teaching business and soon gained plenty of satisfied pupils.
A chance meeting with Paul Myatt in 2018 signalled the beginning of the next phase. Paul talked about his Forte School of Music in Sydney and the Forte method - I was immediately interested and was soon on my way to Australia to find out more!
And that is when my journey with Forte started."
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